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How Can I Sell My Clothes to Plato's Closet?

Sep 7

If you're thinking of how you can sell your clothes at the Plato's Clothes then you're in the right spot. Here , you'll discover the cost range, the conditions, and how to cash out. There's also information about the policies of Plato.

The Whaley Center

Selling clothes to Plato's Closet

Selling your gently used clothes is an easy, but effective way to make money. Plato's Closet is a retail retailer that is specialized in selling gently used clothes and other items. The store purchases gently worn clothing from individual customers and offers brand name clothing with lower costs, creating a win-win situation. Selling your clothes to Plato's Clothes can help the environment.

Plato's Closet will purchase clothes as much as 70% off of their retail price. This means you can eliminate expensive clothing for pennies. Although they'll purchase basic items for less than $2, they will prefer more expensive brands that are geared towards the young adult and teen market. Even though they are priced at a bargain, you should keep in your mind that this donation service will only accept good-condition items.

Plato's Closet takes a selection of gently used clothing, including clothing for females and males. The company will pay for any items in cash, and will mark the items down from their retail value.

Price range

Selling your clothes to the Plato's Closet is a great option to clear out old, unwanted clothes and make money at the same time. The store offers 70% off the retail price for your clothes, making it a great way to get rid of unwanted items and earn some extra cash. You can sell basics like T-shirts for just $2 or more expensive items that cost upwards of $80.

Prior to selling your clothes at Plato's Closet, make sure your items are clean and in good condition. This will help the process go more smoothly. Additionally, ensure your items are neat and foldable. Do not place them in trash bags or other unclean containers.

The price range to sell clothes to Plato's Closet is dependent on the size and brand. Clothes in good condition could sell for up to thirty percent higher than items that aren't. No matter what price you choose it is important to be competitive in pricing your items. A shirt that is priced at eight dollars can earn the equivalent of two or three dollars but a $50 t-shirt could earn $100.


Plato's Closet is a company that buys used clothes. It offers up to 30% of the sale cost. Its costs are usually dependent on the condition, age and the brand. Clothes can be either brand new or gently worn however, they must be clean. Plato's Closet only buys seasonal clothing and shirts Therefore, you should stay clear of selling items that are outdated or have stains.

When you sell your clothes to Plato's Clothes, be aware that it is a non-profit organization. It is for this reason that it is crucial to adhere to their rules and regulations. For example, you cannot sell antique items older than five years old. Additionally, you must check if the item is in good shape. If the item is in good condition, you can get a cash payment right on the spot.

When you sell your clothes to the Plato's Closet, be sure to review their return policy. They offer a seven-day return policy, however you need to ensure that the clothes you are selling are in good condition. Also, you must be able to provide an original receipt. Also, keep in mind that the business does not offer refunds for shipping costs. It is also important to check the return policies of other businesses and companies, since they might differ.

Cash out

The Plato's Closet provides a convenient way to clear out unwanted clothing. You can receive cash immediately for clothes that you no longer use. To get the maximum amount for your clothes, you need be sure they're in good condition. You should make sure that they're not stained, or have holes. It's also important to make sure that the items you're selling are trendy and in style. You can locate the phone number for the store on the internet.

If you've got a substantial quantity of clothes you'd like to dispose of, Plato's Closet can provide you with a fair sum of money. The store accepts a variety of items, such as designer brands and high-end clothing. You can earn up to 30 percent of products you sell. For example, if own a shirt that costs $8, you could expect to earn $2. You must sell the item in large numbers.

Plato's Clothes accepts a variety of clothingitems, including men's or women's clothing. The majority of the items can be bought for less then their cost. The amount of money you receive will depend on the amount of products, the condition, and the location. In addition, you should ensure that your clothes are and are clean.

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